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Meditation in Tillamook County

Meditation has many science-backed health and wellness benefits, and that became clear for so many of us who turned to meditation to get us through the emotional and physical tolls of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the spring of 2020, Graceful Waves Wellness Center collaborated with local community member Robert “Bob” Brook to bring a 10-part guided meditation series for embodied awareness to the community and all those within reach of the metaverse. The series’ focus is, “Finding Peace in the Midst of Uncertainty,” and was filmed and recorded during the first year of the pandemic. We continue to offer it to our current and prospective clients who may be interested in guided meditation at their own pace from the comfort of their own homes.

Feel Quiet and Centered, With Less Stress

In this series, so generously shared with the world by Bob Brook, we offer and practice basic exercises to create a solid foundation for awareness. We start first with deep relaxation and sensing the body. These exercises help quiet the mind by putting it to a task.

Immediate results include quieting and centering, useful for anyone pursuing a practice or just de-stressing. Each session is approximately half an hour long, followed by an additional 20-30 minutes of discussion after the meditation.

Our deeply caring staff at the center believes our Wheeler and Tillamook Co. clients and those of you outside our local area need as many tools at our fingertips as possible to help navigate the ever-changing landscape of life. You can find it free here on our YouTube channel, and it’s our desire to share it with as many people as possible.

A Healing Practice, From the Comfort of Home

Robert Brook was taught these exercises at the spiritual community of Two Rivers Farm in Aurora, Oregon, where he lived and practiced for seven years. More than any time in the past 100 or so years, this seems to be a period where finding peace in uncertain times is becoming an essential ingredient. And with that in mind, we are so pleased to be able to share his wisdom with you!

We hope this series helps you find that peace wherever and whenever you may be watching or participating. Check it out here. We hope you’re motivated to share this with those in your life who may also benefit.


Meditation Wheeler, Rockaway Beach, Seaside OR | (503) 368-9355