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Meet Dr. Dawn Sea Kahrs

Dr Dawn photoDr. Dawn is among the world’s most experienced and skilled practitioners of NetworkSpinal. She’s been licensed since 2004, and holds the highest level of certification possible in the work. She’s committed to increasing her high level of expertise even further through ongoing continuing education, combined with a practice of personal and professional mastery.

She has presented and taught at various public events, conventions, and schools on the topics of NetworkSpinal/SRI Care, Reorganizational Healing, and Personal Transformation through body awareness. She finds joy and fulfillment teaching seminars and classes; more courses are on the horizon, as are a book or three in her future!


Journeying to Health

Dr. Dawn’s personal journey of healing began over a decade ago, after a skiing accident, leading to years of suffering with chronic low back pain and weekly chiropractic visits. That pain catalyzed a journey that led her to Life Chiropractic College West, and ultimately to discovering NetworkSpinal.

When she got to Life in 2000, she discussed her need for a good chiropractor with a classmate, who took her to a student lab for her first NetworkSpinal entrainment. That visit was life-changing. While perceptively subtle, there was a recognition that something was very different about it. It not only started a process of repair in Dr. Dawn’s body that had eluded her for 10 years, but it began to deepen her relationship with her body. Understanding that her body has a message for her, she’s still learning how to listen and integrate its messages and wisdom.

More than two decades later, NetworkSpinal still supports and sustains Dr. Dawn’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being, and her ability to adapt to stress. It aligns with and unveils the essence of her soul’s nature, like no other healing modality she’s experienced.

Dr Dawn photo

Behind The Curtain

Dawn has a background in music (flute performance). In 2005, she co-produced an album with Larry Steelman called Free In the Moment which was a creative joy to birth while she was living and performing more regularly in the San Francisco Bay Area during and following her Chiropractic school studies. While she has not performed as often in recent years, she enjoys opportunities to play, especially with other musicians. Music is an important part of her life’s expression of passion! You’ll often hear her humming or even on occasion singing while providing spinal care. Dawn also enjoys time spent with her teenage son Taylor, who is an IT whiz, and who more recently has been attending entrepreneurial and Chiropractic-related seminars with her. At home, their rescue Snowshoe Siamese cat named Tom is a frequent source of entertainment! They delight in watching him dash after the laser toy in the house, as well as his general shenanigans and antics.

Spending Time Outside

When not directly involved in the healing and embodied transformative arts, she delights in time spent with her family hiking in nature, paddling on the water, and dancing on the beach. She finds deep reverence and appreciation for the moments and spaces in-between…gazing into the mountains, upon a pair of ducks swimming along the riverbank, or the playful otter cavorting in the bay below the center. Often, it’s the simple things that matter most. Connections and intimacy, people, friendships, laughter, the beauty of nature…and the coherence to fully appreciate it all.

Book a Visit

Dr. Dawn’s ability to help others find greater connection both beyond and within themselves has guided thousands in making significant and lasting changes in their lives. Call our practice today and book a visit!

Dr. Dawn Sea Kahrs | (503) 368-9355