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About Graceful Waves Wellness Center

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Wheeler Chiropractor Dr. Dawn Sea Kahrs cares about giving back to her community and the people in it. She believes in treating people the way she wants to be treated, and it shows in the way she cares for her practice members and everyone she comes in contact with.

Graceful Waves Wellness Center is built on land that has been in Dr. Dawn’s family for five generations. Our wellness center is in an extraordinary location, and she’s happy to share it with those who seek healing.


Our Mission

Our mission is to help people live vibrantly, love soulfully, and inspire greatness. Helping people live vibrantly is supporting the whole human being. Love soulfully refers to the essence that animates everything, and we inspire greatness by helping people rise, and seek to live boldly and with courage.

Through her roles as Executive Director, Chiropractor, and NetworkSpinal practitioner, Dr. Dawn helps cultivate and nourish the Center’s relationships, promoting practices and services by practitioners with a similar vision for a brighter future and humanity.

adjusting tables

A Different Approach to Care

NetworkSpinal often surprises those used to traditional Chiropractic methods. With such a gentle, low-force approach, some people are skeptical about how well it works—until after their first session. The results achieved are much better than most people would expect. With four tables in the room, practice members might feel a bit uneasy at first, but that soon passes as the tension leaves their body.

Great Outcomes

Dr. Dawn tells of a musician she cared for who had a brain tumor and could no longer play. With his life in a downward spiral, his wife booked him an appointment. The care he received helped him return to playing his music. A 90-plus-year-old woman came in, practically crawling, with extreme pain from scoliosis and other spinal issues. After receiving care, she regained her mobility, and now spends her time traveling to Mexico, France, and other locations. She’s proof you’re never too old for a better life!

Giving Back

Realizing that some people have financial barriers to care, we offer a scholarship program to persons in need. We cover up to 50% of the cost of care, and in return, they contribute some time to help the center with tasks like gardening. Did you know that our business is now a Federal Nonprofit?

Becoming a Charity

One of the biggest heartbreaks of being in practice is when a new client would benefit from the care we offer, is 100% engaged and ready for the journey ahead, and yet currently has a significant financial barrier to affording the care that they need.  As a result, our business began offering a social-sharing scholarship program in 2016 to broaden the impact that we could make in our community.  In 2021 we began the process of formally becoming a federal nonprofit.  Our business incorporated in Oregon on May 17, 2022 as a nonprofit, and we finally attained our official federal nonprofit status in 2024!  Between 2016 and 2024 we have provided over 20K in spinal care scholarships, and approximately 750 spinal entrainment sessions that have been subsidized since 2016!  Now that we have our official status, we hope to do more fundraising in order to be more able to make a greater impact in our community, for those who need this particular assistance.  In high tides, all boats rise together!

Make a Difference

If you are reading this and would like to help us make a greater positive impact – whether by volunteering some skills, time, and/or donations, we welcome and greatly appreciate your assistance!

Are you a business owner or business office manager and use credit card processing? You may be able to help us while also saving money for your business in bank fees!  We recently discovered that legally 40% of the customary credit card processing fees you pay can instead go to a nonprofit like Graceful Waves to help others, rather than big banks! Would you like to discover more? Schedule a brief consultation with our friend William online or reach out to us and we can help connect you. We would love to help save you money while simultaneously helping others. Triple-win!

Call today to book your visit!

About Graceful Waves Wellness Center | (503) 368-9355